Case Study

Discover how Nucleus are enhancing technical expertise to improve customer outcomes

With Clever Nelly, our people are really benefiting from the investment in their training. Simply by answering their questions, they’re building up their knowledge base daily – almost without realising it. Our baseline scores were pretty high to start with, but Nelly is proving to be a great tool to develop their expertise so they can continue to drive really great customer outcomes.

It’s taking Nucleus just two minutes a day to recognise and sustainably enhance employee competence across their customer service teams.

With a purpose to make retirement more rewarding, the Nucleus Financial Platforms Group apply their combined expertise and capabilities to deliver great customer outcomes. To support frontline employees, who must remain consistently adept at navigating an extensive breadth of technical knowledge, Nucleus socialised Clever Nelly across their customer service teams.

Learning outcomes include:

  • How Nucleus achieved an average employee engagement rate of 96%, with zero non-engaged users, surpassing the recommended engagement benchmark of 80% for optimal performance.
  • How Clever Nelly exposed the gaps in technical knowledge on an individual basis, with over 5,910 individual assessments conducted.
  • How the Management Information provides confidence and assurance to senior management, enabling them to improve their coaching approach to deliver better customer outcomes.

Read the full use case here