Purple Paper

Contact Centre Complexity: are we asking too much?

This paper explores the impact that Covid-19 and the digital journey has had on customer service and – more significantly – the changes Covid-19 has wrought on workplace learning and agent competence.

Are we asking too much of our contact centre agents, and are we supporting them in a meaningful way to ensure that they are competent in role; particularly if they work in a regulated market like Financial Services, which has seen more of an intensive period of regulatory increase during the past decade than ever before.

The purpose of any workplace training strategy must be to turn-out, as expediently as possible, competent in-role employees, who (where relevant) comply with the regulations under which their firm may operate. Even perfect test scores from e-learning sessions count very little towards that outcome unless the employee can translate the theory into practical competence. And this is where the problem comes in.

Firms who prioritise good customer service through competent employees, will see faster growth than their peers, will be more profitable, and will attract better quality, more loyal, recruits.

  • Improve agent performance
  • Combat the loss of peer-to-peer learning
  • Improve customer outcomes

Improve your contact centre learning programme – with a proven method your agents will love

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