Purple Paper

AI for L&D: connecting training interventions with bottom-line performance improvement

Empowering L&D to move the performance dial

“By the end of this decade more than 90% of the UK’s workforce will need re-skilling. Changes driven by Covid-19, digitalisation and Brexit means that employers have no choice but to upskill/re-skill. Some will do the bare minimum, others – persuaded and led by a new breed of Learning & Development professionals (that I refer to as “L&D Heroes”) – will embrace life-long workplace learning and leverage re-skilling as a competitive advantage and an asset for productivity and profit improvement.
This paper is aimed at the latter group; L&D practitioners who – like the author – are passionate about life-long workplace learning and believe that the next big thing in the workplace isn’t Artificial Intelligence to displace human employees, but is in fact the up-skilling and re-skilling of every individual employee so they can be the very best they can be.”

Adrian Harvey, CEO at Elephants Don’t Forget

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